The Scavo Family consists of Tom, Lynette, their twin sons Porter and Preston, another son Parker and toddler Penny.
Tom is 38 years old. He is an Aquarius sim who interests include money, food, and sports. His hobby is sports. His aspirations are family and fortune. He has a degree in economics but he is a stay at home dad at the moment. He is attracted to blondes with makeup and is turned off by stink.
Lynette is 36 years old. She is a Gemini sim who interests include politics, environment, and health. Her hobby is nature. Her aspirations are fortune and family. She has a degree in economics and she is in advertising as a magazine commercial producer. She is attracted to blond men who can cook and doesn't like smelly men.
Twins Porter and Preston are 10 years old. They are Taurus sims. They like to cause their mom lots of problems.
Parker is an 8 year old who is a Sagittarius sim. He like his brothers likes to cause his mom lots of problems.
Cute little Penny Scavo is only 2 years old. She is a Gemini like her mother.
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